Joey Franko is a talented music artist out of Los Angeles CA. He grew up in South Central Los Angeles, as well as the valley area in Los Angeles. He is very popular in the Santa Clarita area. Joey’s father was a well known music artist, known for the song “Oochie coochie”. His father inspired him to get into the music industry, it clearly ran in his genetics.
Joey has been featured in Billboard magazine and will be featured in Rolling Stone’s April issue. A few of Joey’s top charted songs are “1,2,3”, “Thor”, “Throw it Back”, “Direct message”, “Avenue”, “Won’t let go”, and lastly “Henny and moscoto” (which also featured artist Shakur LuCiano). Joey is currently working on a new mixtape releasing soon titled “Onna Gang 2”. It will be available on all platforms. He’s been spotted with artist Blueface on Instagram and has a few features lined up with different artists this upcoming year.
Instagram: @ogejoeyfranko
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